Fraud Alert

Please be extra aware of fraudulent calls and messages from scammers pretending to be Honor Credit Union. If you get a suspicious call or text about your account activity or charges, do not click, call, or engage at all. Call us right away at 800.442.2800. For more fraud protection tips click here to read our blog post.

Honor Credit Union Voted Best In Michigan By Forbes

honor credit union was voted best credit union in michigan in 2018 by Forbes

The best recommendation is one that comes from a satisfied member. That’s why we are excited to announce that Honor Credit Union has been named the No. 1 Credit Union in the state of Michigan, based on a 2018 survey conducted by Forbes.

For the “Best Banks and Credit Unions in Every State” survey, Forbes partnered with market research firm Statista to ask more than 25,000 customers in the U.S. for their opinions on their banking relationships. Financial institutions were rated on overall recommendations and satisfaction as well as five additional sub-areas including trust, terms and conditions, branch services, digital services, and financial advice.

Honor Credit Union ranked at the top of the list for credit unions in Michigan and we would like to thank our members for providing feedback.

According to the article released by Forbes announcing the winners, “145 credit unions made the final cut or 2.4% of U.S. financial institutions.” Credit Unions also outperformed banks on the survey, with an average score of 80 versus 75.2 for banks.

Statista CEO Friedrich Schwandt accredits these higher marks to credit union’s being member-owned financial cooperatives, explaining that, “Customers prefer credit unions because they themselves are the shareholders.”

At Honor, we take pride in offering our members a simple experience and smart advice. We believe our role as a trusted resource is to provide solutions for financial success and meet the needs of our members in the communities we serve. With over 80,000 members spread across 24 branch locations in Michigan, we couldn’t be more thrilled about this recognition as we strive to put our members first in everything we do.

In response to this designation, Honor CEO Scott McFarland stated, “We are truly humbled that our members recognize the value in the services that we provide to help them reach their financial goals and are willing to recommend us to their family and friends. We wouldn’t be here without their support, and we will keep working hard to stay on top.”

From all of Team Honor, we thank you for voting us the No. 1 Credit Union in Michigan. But the journey doesn’t stop here. Every day is Day 1 in our world, and we will never stop working hard for our members and their financial goals.

And for any potential members who are considering making the switch to discover the Honor difference, the invitation is always open to Come Be Part of It!

Zero Down Payment Offer

To make the process as simple as possible with our Zero Down Payment mortgage offer, we encourage you to speak with a mortgage expert so they can explain the requirements and guide you through the process!

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