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Please be extra aware of fraudulent calls and messages from scammers pretending to be Honor Credit Union. If you get a suspicious call or text about your account activity or charges, do not click, call, or engage at all. Call us right away at 800.442.2800. For more fraud protection tips click here to read our blog post.

It’s Time To Focus On Your Small Business, Not On Bookkeeping!

simplify your business accounting with the help of honor credit union and autobooks; hand holding phone while other hand types on calculator

If you’ve ever run a small business, you know how challenging it can be to handle the “office side” of the operation when most of your time is dedicated to delivering a quality product or service to your customers.

Invoicing and payment processing are easier to put on the back burner when compared to more pressing issues such as visiting job sites and returning phone calls. The trouble with this equation is that to keep your business running, you have to get paid and you have to pay your employees.

And without an efficient system in place to do both, the crucial pieces of running a business can quickly devolve into a game of catch up.

At Honor Credit Union, we want our business partners to be able to focus on their passion, which is why we teamed up with Autobooks to offer a solution to the common problems of small business accounting. Autobooks is a complete set of financial tools located inside of our members’ online business banking platform.

The software offers invoicing, payment processing, and reporting features all in one place – making it simple and easy to use without the need for additional software.

With Autobooks, our members can:

  • Create professional invoices (electronically or physically) in seconds, including recurring invoices
  • Accept payment by credit card, debit card, ACH transfer, and mailed in check
  • Keep track of which customer has paid, and how much (including partial payments)
  • Generate reports like balance sheets, income statements, and customer aging reports

“For many small businesses, tracking invoices and reconciling the books can be a labor-intensive task,” says Honor Credit Union’s Vice President of Business Services, Scott DeFries. “Autobooks helps automate that process for our members and allows them to focus on serving their customers and growing their company.”

Current and future business members can sign up by stopping into any of our member center locations across the state of Michigan or can start the process online and book a demo.

Small business made simple. Providing yet another reason why you should Come Be Part of It.

Zero Down Payment Offer

To make the process as simple as possible with our Zero Down Payment mortgage offer, we encourage you to speak with a mortgage expert so they can explain the requirements and guide you through the process!

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Need Help? Contact us at 800.442.2800 and we will help you get started with the application process.