Fraud Alert

Please be extra aware of fraudulent calls and messages from scammers pretending to be Honor Credit Union. If you get a suspicious call or text about your account activity or charges, do not click, call, or engage at all. Call us right away at 800.442.2800. For more fraud protection tips click here to read our blog post.

3 Ways Honor Supports Your Online Holiday Shopping

image of a person's hands holding a credit card next to a laptop with text on the image that reads holiday spending survival guide

Everything about this year has been a little different, including the way we shop. While we may have already been accustomed to receiving those weekly packages from Amazon, your local retailers are also expecting to see more online traffic due to this year’s pandemic. So, as we prepare to find all the latest cyber deals, let’s check out three great Honor products that will help make your shopping a breeze this season.

Earn 2x The Rewards!

This year, more than ever, online shopping will be the go-to method for your holiday checklist, so why not receive a little reward for that shopping. Online shopping can be twice as nice with your Select Rewards Credit Card from Honor because you earn 2x cash back on every purchase. Talk about an easy way to earn more cash back!

Stop Fraud In Its Tracks

If you suspect fraudulent activity is happening with your card, our easy-to-use Card Control feature can turn off your card with the tap of a button in our mobile app. Card Control also lets you monitor your debit and credit card usage by setting up transaction alerts for all purchases.

Build Your Savings While You Shop

If you’re like most people, you will be placing more than one online order this year, so will you really be tracking every penny spent? We have a free way for you to build up your savings while you shop! With our It’s Your Change tool you can rack up extra cash without even realizing it, and who doesn’t love the unexpected money in their savings account. 

How It Works

When you make a purchase with your Honor debit card, It’s Your Change rounds up your total purchase amount to the nearest dollar and puts it in an account of your choice.

Free Help Sticking To Your Budget

The holidays are an easy time to go over budget with the “just one more gift” mindset. It is important to set your spending limit and stick to it. Worried you’re going over budget? Honor has a free tool to help. MoneyMap is accessible in online banking, and the mobile app to help you stay on track this shopping season.

How MoneyMap Works

With MoneyMap, you can easily see a breakdown of your spending each month. This tool even categorizes your spending into fields, such as groceries and bills.

  • Access MoneyMap in the Honor mobile app by tapping More, and then MoneyDesktop (now known as MoneyMap)
  • Within online banking you will find MoneyMap in the Personal Finance tab

Make A Plan

Break down your holiday shopping list and think about what gifts you could check off your list that cost less, but mean more. Sometimes, the joy of one’s company or a DIY present is the best gift. In turn, you have a little extra money in your wallet.

Be sure to keep an eye out on how much you are putting on your credit cards. Avoid spending the money that you do not have readily available to pay back when the bill comes due. Is putting $800 on your credit card for those holiday gifts going to take a few months to pay off? If so, it might be better to hold off on racking up that large sum on your credit card to avoid the daily interest that will accrue over time.

We’re Here To Help

While the way you shop may have changed a little this holiday season, the way Honor is here for YOU has not! If you have questions, don’t hesitate to give us a call at 800.442.2800 and our team will be ready to help today.

More To Explore

Zero Down Payment Offer

To make the process as simple as possible with our Zero Down Payment mortgage offer, we encourage you to speak with a mortgage expert so they can explain the requirements and guide you through the process!

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Need Help? Contact us at 800.442.2800 and we will help you get started with the application process.